Det här verkar vara en intressant bok som jag av en händelse råkade se. Den beskriver problemet med affärsregler och hur man skall kunna implementera dem på ett flexibelt sätt.
Han beskriver problemet på följande sätt:
"Business Rules" are individual pieces of logic that are normally captured in specifications by systems analysts, and put into application program code by programmers. There are two major problems with this approach.
The rules are usually written down in text documents. In this format it is difficult to see what makes up one rule. A given rule may be redundantly restated in different ways that make it easy to misinterpret. Finally, in text form the rules cannot easily be linked to each other or the objects (such as data elements) that make them up.
If all business rules have to be hand-programmed by programmers, applications cannot be changed quickly. Quite often, application code often has to be reverse-engineered to understand what the rules are before any change can be made. This may be needed to understand what impact changing one rule will have on other rules. Once a change has been made, testing needs to be done to ensure that the programmer has correctly interpreted the new specifications.
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Business Rules Engine
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