Detta är en bra powerpointmall för att kunna beskriva en Windows 8 app i Powerpoint. Den innehåller det mesta som behövs för att skapa ett snyggt användargränssnitt.
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What’s Included?
Example grid page displaying item previews arranged in groups.
Example page displaying details for a single group with previews for each item in the group.
Example page displaying one item in detail.
Example page displaying a list of items and the details for the selected item.
Example of a Metro app in snapped view state.
Example of an app in fill view state.
Collection of common UI controls (part 1): button, text box, list box, check box, radio button, toggle switch, etc.
Collection of common UI controls (part 2): search box, date/time picker, slider, progress bar, scrollbar, etc.
Grid view (with groups).
List view and charms bar.
App header, app bar, and toast.
Message dialog.
Text styles.
240 app icons (part 1).
240 app icons (part 2).
Touch gestures.