This is very bad for us that use Visual Basic. Why, you may ask?
The main reason that this is bad is that refactoring is an integrated part of Test Driven Development (TDD). Without refactoring, we cannot use TDD in a well-organized way. We have to have the possibility of being able to fast rewrite our code, and that is now not possible for us.
It's also a bit strange that Visual Studio itself has built in functions for doing tests, but that the refactoring part is instead built by the different language groups. Couldn't this instead also be part of the Visual Studio IDE?
Hi Dag,
I think that's sucks too.
Even the C# part will have less Refactoring support than the Beta 1 had. grrr... The problem I see with this is that other developers will not know about refactoring if MS remove the features, and for the person that knows about them can do it by hand. (no prob at all.) But how shall we make other developers interested in Refactoring if MS remove the trace of it ;-)
You only know what you see, and if you can't see you don't know if it exists... Bad!
Posted by: Johan Normén | 2004-11-05 at 10.41